Clay County Beekeepers Association
Scheduled Events
Regular Monthly Meetings begin at 7PM.
Mentor Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month. October thru May 10AM - 12N. June thru September 9AM - 11AM.
When available, you can watch our meetings and our training presentations on Zoom.
Login information has changed. New login information is listed below:
Meeting ID: 853 9460 9900
Passcode: 212185
06 Orange Park Farmers Market 10AM-3PM.
12 Mentor Meeting, 10AM.
14 Monthly Meeting. Speaker, Cameron Jack, UF, PhD. Topic TBD.
19-20 Orange Park Fall Festival, OP Town Hall, 10AM-5PM. Volunteers requested.
02 Soldiers for Freedom Outdoors, Honey Extraction.
09 Mentor Meeting, 10AM.
11 Monthly Meeting. Speaker and topic TBD.
09 Monthly Meeting. Election of Officers. Christmas Pot Luck Dinner. Zoom not available.
14 Mentor Meeting, 10AM.